The shoe brand Crocs has been around less than five years and already it has taken the world by storm. The consumers seem to be divided on the latest fashion breakthrough with people either loving it or just totally hating it. People who hate it though, are mostly those who have not tried it and can't fathom how such an unattractive shoe can be such a big fad. But everyone who has tried the shoes swears by its comfort. In fact, Crocs was able to reach its status with little advertising or mass marketing efforts. In its first two years, word about Crocs' superior comfort spread like wild fire creating an almost cult-like following for the footwear.
Because medical professionals and chefs stand on their feet for long periods, the shoes had a natural attraction for them. Crocs' proprietary closed-cell resin material that molds to the feet provided mega comfort. It didn't take long before models and Hollywood celebrities were spotted wearing them while running errands. Today the footwear is worn by people from all walks of life. At $ 32 for the most basic pair, it's actually not surprising that people would be willing to give the shoes a try and eventually become hooked.
Originally intended as a boating shoe, the brand has now expanded its style offerings to meet practically every footwear need. In the last two years alone, Crocs has released numerous models that have more feminine silhouettes. The Prima style was released at the perfect time just as ballet flats were about to become huge. Today, Crocs has slimmer models and shoes with elevated heels and wedges addressing the need of women for more attractive shoes. Crocs is now so much more than the "ugly rubber clogs". This may very well be Crocs greatest strength--the ability to create new models without compromising the comfort that the brand has become known for.
It may have been easy to tag Crocs as just another fad a year ago but seeing how Crocs are coming out with more beautiful and practical styles and with people buying multiple pairs for various uses then maybe Crocs is the real deal.
Many iconic footwear styles all started by being a fad. When a footwear has proven to be very practical and reaches a certain status when it may not be the most stylish footwear but it still has a lasting appeal, then it becomes a shoe closet staple. This is clearly what will happen to Crocs especially since even hoarding the shoes will hardly cause a dent on your finances.
Also since the biggest selling point of the footwear is its comfort, it is likely people will continue buying the shoes for this reason. There are people who may have purchased the shoes because the brand is currently the hottest footwear around but many more have made the decision of buying the shoes because of the comfort they provide. And even if the shoes may not be the hottest footwear in the market anymore people who value comfort will surely stay loyal to the brand. And with Crocs releasing a new model every season, there will always be consumers who will attracted to the new styles.
Crocs' strong manufacturing and distribution systems will also help in maintaining the brands success.By: david